CA: 0x6feb5bd1f997746b51e922427f7ce30e8a266935

Contract Rennounced

Liquidity Locked

No Team Supply


brand guideline

Frequently asked questions

What is $PAT and how does it work?

$PAT is a community-driven cryptocurrency token built on the Base ecosystem. It symbolizes innovation, collaboration, and fun, with a mission to provide value to its holders through community-led initiatives and strategic development.

Who is behind the $PAT project?

$PAT is a community takeover (CTO) project, meaning it’s now fully led by a dedicated team of community members. The original dev stepped away, and the community stepped up to build and grow the project.

What does the $PAT token burn mean, and how does it benefit holders?

Burning tokens permanently removes them from circulation, reducing supply. $PAT has already burned and locked a total of 9% of its supply, which increases scarcity and benefits all holders by supporting potential value growth.

How can I buy or trade $PAT tokens?

You can buy or trade $PAT on Uniswap, the trusted decentralized exchange. Always ensure you’re using the correct contract address provided on our official channels.

How can I get involved with the $PAT community?

Join our Telegram and Twitter to stay updated and connect with the community. You can also contribute by sharing memes, creating content, or participating in discussions and events.

Still have questions?

Feel free to join our telegram and ask our team directly !